SVP Meeting
January 14, 2025
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
SVP Minutes for 1-14-25
The meeting was opened at 1:09 by Barb Haverly, president.
New member Mary Ann was welcomed.
**Secretary's report: The minutes were emailed to the members by Diane.
A motion was made to approve the minutes from 12-10-24 by Joan Youmans and seconded by Kathy L. The motion was passed.
**Treasurer's report: Ron Lower reported the current balance is $2643.38.
A motion was made by Joan Youmans to approve the treasurer's report and seconded by Betty P. The motion was passed.
**Historian's report: Stephanie said she will be adding new pictures to the web site.
Catskills Mountain Hall of Fame: New application forms will be available in February possibly.
Old Business:
**Empire Quiltfest: The theme for the 2026 show is Revolution in Color. A request was made to Fulton Montgomery Community College for weekend in later April of 2026 for the next show. Our guild has been responsible for vendors, the vendor ribbons and decorations.
** Snowflake patterns: Kathy L, Betty and Barb showed some snowflakes they had cut out.
** A thank you letter from Catholic Charities for the pillow cases and socks was read by Colleen.
New Business:
**Quilt shows: Fenimore Quilt show from February 1-16, daily 11-4 and Sunday 1-4 at 22 Main Street, Cooperstown
Susquehanna Valley Quilt Guild's show on February 13-16 and 20-23 at Wilbur Mansion
Northern Star Quilter's show at Purchase College on May 3&4.
**The Schoharie Library will no longer hold a quilt and flower show at the library. They said if we were interested we could hold a quilting demonstration.
**Kathy L. reported our domain site is secure until January 5, 2030.
Name Tag drawing: Kathy L.
A Bit of Betty: Betty demonstrated making flowers with Silk Essence which is available at JoAnn's.
Program: Borders, a show and tell of various options
Barb- piano keys
Denise-piano keys
Martha-curved inside border with a rick rack trim and a piano key outer border
Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt, pieced border
Betsy-flying geese border
Kathy L- Celtic chain border and a book of many border options
Deb-curved border with piping and she added small yo yo's added near the corners
Sharon- multiple pieced borders with different sizes blocks. Sharon shared that with more piecing in your border there is the risk of waving at the edge of your quilt that makes it difficult for a long arm quilter. She reminded that before adding your border you should measure across the width and length of your quilt at the center. She also advised to measure several inches in from the edges of you width and length and then compute the average of your quilt width and the length.
Show and tell:
Ron-curved log cabin in Christmas fabric and a binding tool
Denise- baby quilt
Stephanie- clam shell challenge blocks and she joined multiple blocks together
Betty-used a gifted canvas piece for her center that she added detail to and bordered with crazy quilting and then framed
Next month's program: Your Biggest Quilting Mistake
Please bring the piece if you have it and share what you did about it, what did you learn and how did you fix it or not.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:40. (minutes by Colleen DeMuth, Secretary)
Betty's Flower Cart
BOM: Applique Snowflakes
by Kathy Livingston
Program: Not Your Boring Borders
& Show & Tell